The Mystical Warrior: Slayer of Internal Demons and Champion of External Challenges
When Selfhood enacts presence, demons from the prison of nostalgia surface and challenge our worthiness to confront the world of vulgar...
The Mystical Warrior: Slayer of Internal Demons and Champion of External Challenges
The Persistence of Emotional Elegance
The Land of Oiram
Learning from the Terrain of Joy
Realm of the Harlequin
The Odysseus Oracle
Existential Elegance
The Myth of Willpower
Excerpts from The MindBody Self...
On the Contemplative Journey III…
On the Contemplative Journey II...
Time Passages
Deconstructing Self
Realm of the Change Horizons
Alonso Quijano de La Mancha
Observing Self
On Personal Truth