Tools, Techniques, & MindScapes

In Challenge We Meet
Although most wellness experts agree that productivity is affected by the health of employees, most of their solutions to improve wellness continue to be disconnected from the cultural language of organizations, and are mostly focused on external factors such as incentives to improve lifestyles. Health management models fail to provide a methodology that can maximize collaborative wellness in the process of reaching productivity objectives.
The Empowerment Code offers a unique organizational language of wellness and productivity. In our model, wellness (mental, physical, and spiritual health) and productivity (parsimonious function) are viewed as an inseparable unfolding process. Strategies to address business goals and challenges are navigated focusing on three interrelated variables: effectiveness, efficiency, and wellness. Our Empowerment program is the first, worldwide, to apply combined principles of cultural neuroscience, cultural psychoneuroimmunology, and cultural anthropology to business organizations.
Drawing from these evidence-based disciplines, we developed a strategy to evaluate how the language of a corporate culture affects initiative, creativity, and health. Rather than viewing wellness and productivity as separate components externally controlled by incentives, we address them as an inseparable fabric internally controlled by the values communicated within an organizational culture.

Executive Empowerment
A key component of Empowerment Code is a new leadership paradigm in which we mentor your top executives to embrace the strengths of their organizational culture while enhancing it further with operational principles of the immune system.
One hour individual session on Zoom

Biocognitive Organizational Science
Mentorships & Diplomate
A key component of the Empowerment Code three level training is a new leadership paradigm in which our team mentors top executives to embrace the strengths of their organizational culture while enhancing it with functional methodologies based on how the immune system makes multitudinal decisions under adversity, without consulting the brain. Rather than principles of rat psychology, surprisingly still prevalent in most organizational science models, we replace behavior modification with our proprietary model of contextual terrains to achieve sustainable desired change.

6 Fundamental Individual Sessions of 90 Minutes on Zoom
3 Private Emails to Clarify Topics
Supplementary Readings & Research Articles
Certificate of Completion
Level I
$15,000 (individual)
$5,000 (groups of five)

6 Intermediate Individual Sessions of 90 Minutes on Zoom
3 Private Emails to Clarify Topics
Supplementary Readings & Research Articles
Certificate of Completion
Level II